
Saturday 18 July 2015

1848 The first Women’s Rights Convention convenes in Seneca Falls, N.Y, organized by Lucretia Mott and Elizabeth Cady Stanton.


Gender and women's studies refers to scholarship about and the academic study of the meaning and implications of gender and gendered roles across society, including a focus on power, oppression, and the intersection of identities. As an interdisciplinary field, it draws upon, addresses, and adds to topics covered by all of the hard and social sciences and the arts. In this article we discuss the development of women's studies as an academic field; its intellectual backgrounds and offshoots; the current state of the discipline; current academic programs, methodological issues and problems; and emerging directions in theory and research.


  • Feminism; 
  • Feminist studies; 
  • Gender studies; 
  • Identity; 
  • Interdisciplinary studies;
  • Intersectionality; 
  • Oppression; 
  • Power; 
  • Women's studies; 
  • Women studies